JAKARTA - Member of the PSI faction of the DKI DPRD, Anthony Wiza Prabowo, admitted that he was surprised by the attitude of the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, who seemed to cover up plans to organize Formula E.

According to Anthony, Anies and his subordinates never provided any contract documents until the commitment fee was paid even though the DPRD requested it. So, Anthony suspected that Anies did not pay the commitment fee to Formula E Operation (FEO).

"We asked which Formula E contract documents were never officially given. We asked where the proof of payment was, lest it was not transferred to the right place. We want to see that," said Anthony at the DKI DPRD building, Tuesday, September 28.

The DKI Provincial Government, said Anthony, has not yet submitted a revised feasibility study for Formula E. This feasibility study was prepared by the BUMD PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) as the organizer of Formula E in Jakarta. This study contains the feasibility of Formula E in terms of budgeting, economic impact, environment, and technical implementation.

In fact, the improvement of the feasibility study for Formula E has become a recommendation from the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) on the financial statements of the DKI Provincial Government. , but forced to deserve it," he said.

Anthony also wonders why Anies almost never attends plenary meetings that discuss budget matters. The presence of the executive is always represented by the Deputy Governor of DKI, Ahmad Riza Patria.

Therefore, the interpellation is a way for PSI and PDIP to question the clarity of the implementation of Formula E. Anies, said Anthony, there is no need to worry because the interpellation was carried out not to bring down his name.

"Interpellation is just the right to ask questions. At least we can ask and answer for 2 hours. What's wrong with us asking the Governor to only be present for two hours, answer that with a knight. What are you afraid of?" he added.

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