SUMSEL - The East Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Police Criminal Investigation Unit, South Sumatra Police (Sumsel) arrested HS (37), the perpetrator of the murder of an animal caretaker Ali Wardhana (46).

The victim was a resident of Muncak Kabau Village, BP Bangsa Raja Subdistrict and worked in a hospital in Palembang City.

"The suspect HS was arrested while undergoing treatment at the Muhammad Hoesin Hospital (RSMH) Palembang," said Head of Public Relations of the East OKU Police Iptu Edi Arianto in Martapura, Antara, Tuesday, September 28.

He explained that the suspect was arrested after the police disguised himself as a religious teacher and entered the emergency room to confirm the whereabouts of the perpetrator at the hospital.

"The suspect, who was being treated for injuries to his face, was immediately arrested without a fight," he said.

Edi explained, from the results of the preliminary investigation, the perpetrators were desperate to brutally kill the victim on the edge of the Dusun 1 rice field, Muncak Kabau Village, BP Bangsa Raja District, East OKU Regency because of a romantic vendetta.

"It is suspected that the motive was revenge because the perpetrator's wife was found with the victim at the time of the incident," he said.

The victim was found dead horribly on the edge of a local village rice field on Friday, September 24, at around 09.30 WIB.

"Based on the results of the post-mortem, the victim suffered a slit wound in the neck, a torn wound in the left arm, back left back, and a torn wound in the left ear," he said.

For his actions, the perpetrator was charged with Article 351 of the Criminal Code concerning persecution and Article 338 of the Criminal Code regarding murder with a threat of imprisonment for 15 years.

"We have secured all the evidence, including the sharp weapon used by the perpetrator to kill the victim, for further investigation," he said.

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