KUPANG - The Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 said there is still one kelurahan in Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara Province which has the status of a COVID-19 red zone area.

"There is still one kelurahan that has the status of a COVID-19 red zone area from the previous three COVID-19 red zone villages in Kupang City. The kelurahan that is in the red zone is Namosain Village," said Kupang City's spokesperson for the Task Force for the Acceleration of COVID-19 Handling, Ernest Ludji in Kupang quoted by Antara, Tuesday, September 28.

According to him, the residents of Namosain Village, Alak District who are still confirmed positive for COVID-19, currently there are 15 people left.

"The COVID-19 patients are in self-isolation treatment under strict supervision by health workers," said Ernest Ludji.

In addition, there are still seven kelurahan that are in the status of the COVID-19 orange zone because they have 6-10 active cases of COVID-19.

Ernest Ludji said, until now there are still 31 urban villages in the capital of the province of NTT which are included in the COVID-19 yellow zone area with the number of cases 1-5 active cases of COVID-19.

"We hope that urban villages that currently have 1-2 positive cases can recover so that they can become COVID-19 green zone areas," he said.

According to Ernest Ludji, the kelurahan that have the status of a COVID-19 green zone in the provincial capital of NTT have so far reached 12 villages.

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