JAYAPURA - Head of the Papua Regional Police's Dokkes, Kombes Dr. Nariyana, said that the health condition of Soll Senate, one of the leaders of the armed criminal group (KKB), had deteriorated before he died.

"When he was being treated, his condition worsened because the oxygen in the blood had decreased, so oxygen was added," said Nariyana, quoted by Antara, Monday, September 27.

However, medical efforts to save the life of the Soll Senate whose real name is Ananias Yalak, including the installation of intubation, were unsuccessful until finally he was declared dead by the Bhayangkara Jayapura Hospital.

The Soll Senate was admitted to Bhayangkara Hospital on September 2, 2021 with a gunshot wound to the right thigh and right leg.

From the wound there was a torn blood vessel large enough so that treatment and cleaning was carried out. However, because a lot of tissue died, the right leg was amputated.

According to Nariyana, the Soll Senate is being treated in the ICU so that treatment is more controlled and under the supervision of nurses and doctors.

“Intensively we are paying attention to the health of the Soll Senate, where there was a decrease in the chemical element, namely albumin, so we did an albumin transfusion. However, his condition still does not improve," said Nariyana.

According to the Head of Public Relations of the OPS Nemangkawi Papua, who is also the Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Ahmad Musthofa Kamal, the body of the Soll Senate is still in the Bhayangkara Hospital.

The Soll Senate was responded to by the Nemangkawi Task Force on September 1, 2021 at the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) Headquarters in Dekai, Yahukimo Regency.

During his lifetime, the Soll Senate was involved in several KKB actions, including the burning of the Dekai-Yahukimo Branch of BRI Bank ATM, the murder of Dekai KPU staff Hendry Jovinsky at the Kali Teh bridge, Dekai, Yahukimo, and the murder of Muhammad Toyib on Jalan Dekai Airport.

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