JAKARTA - Head of Public Relations of the Bekasi Metro Police, Kompol Erna Ruswing, said that NN, the biological father who had the heart to have sex with his own child, was finally arrested by the Bekasi City Police Criminal Investigation Unit. NN had the heart to forcefully commit RN (14) her own daughter at her residence.

"Yes, we have arrested the perpetrator. We have also not received further information from investigators," said Kompol Erna, confirmed by VOI, Monday, September 27.

Kompol Erna admitted that he had not been able to provide further information, because at this time investigators were still investigating the perpetrator's actions. Investigators are still gathering information regarding the reasons for the perpetrators of this heinous act.

"Currently, the perpetrators are already in the police station, and investigators are investigating. Further information will be provided later," he said.

Previously reported, Head of Public Relations of the Bekasi City Metro Police, Kompol Erna Ruswing Andari confirmed that his party had received a report regarding a rape case committed by a man with the initials NN. The Bekasi City Metro Police is currently conducting an investigation.

"Yes, it is true that we have received reports related to the case. Currently, we have asked for statements from several witnesses," he told reporters, Monday, September 27.

As is known, NN, a father had the heart to have sex with his own 14-year-old daughter. NN's heinous act against her daughter has been carried out since 6 months ago. The perpetrator was reported to the Bekasi City Metro Police.

According to the victim's attorney, Dadan Ramlan, the perpetrator is the victim's father and his wife has long since died. The perpetrator became a widower. The perpetrator and his son live in Rawa Lumbu, Bekasi City.

It is suspected that the perpetrator's actions were carried out because he had not had a relationship for a long time so he took it out on his first child.

"This perpetrator is actually a divorced widower. So his mother has died since the victim was in the 1st grade of elementary school, from an economic position that is not very good. Maybe the perpetrator took his desires to his son," said Dadan Ramlan to reporters, Sunday, September 26, yesterday.

This despicable act by the victim's father was exposed after the victim, who was known to have the initials RN (14) complained about his father's behavior to his neighbors. Until finally the information spread widely.

"So this victim told her neighbor. From her neighbor she finally spoke to her husband. So the information spread immediately," he said.

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