JAKARTA - Dozens of houses in Lubuk Linggau City and Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra (Sumsel) were heavily damaged after being hit by flash floods that carried tree material and river rocks, Sunday, September 26 yesterday.

Acting (Plt) Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Empat Lawang Regency, Sahrial Fodril said, while it was recorded that 96 houses were damaged.

These include 5 houses in Kembahan Lama Village, 12 houses in Lampar Baru Village, 13 houses in Pasar Talang Padang Village and there are 66 houses in Padang Tiria Village.

"There were no fatalities for residents whose houses were heavily damaged, such as in the village of Padang Tiria, who were forced to flee to higher ground to avoid further flooding," he said in an electronic message, Antara, Monday, September 27.

According to him, the high intensity of rain since Saturday, September 25, has caused the river to overflow and the floodwaters were about 60 centimeters high. Although the current condition of the water has gradually receded, joint officers are still on standby at the existing posts.

"We urge the public to remain vigilant," he added.

Meanwhile, the impact of the flood that hit eight sub-districts in Lubuk Linggau City has caused damage to as many as 22 houses and two pedestrian bridges.

These include the villages of Wira Karya, Muara Enim, Tanjung Aman, Jogoboyo, Lubuklinggau Utara II, Puncak Kemuning, Moneng Sepati, Karya Bakti, and Dempo.

"The information is that dozens of residents' houses were slightly damaged. Meanwhile, one of the two bridges in Karya Bakti village was seriously damaged after being hit by heavy water on Sunday night," said Head of Emergency Management of the South Sumatra Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Ansori, in Palembang.

Local BPBD officers, he continued, have set up emergency posts to deal with the aftershocks of flooding. They have been alerted since early Sunday morning, along with supporting equipment such as rubber boats and buoys to evacuate people to safer places.

This is because according to the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), the forecast is for moderate to large scale rains to continue for the next few days.

"In addition to the two areas, we have received reports that rivers in Musi Rawas, North Musi Rawas, Lahat and South OKU have increased water volume, local BPBD officers have been alerted," he said.

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