JAKARTA - Not a few people are always having trouble with the PeduliLindung application. Starting from the memory on the smartphone is full, the signal is bad to the quota runs out.
Do not worry. Next October the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) will make the PeduliLindungi features accessible in other applications.
The Chief Digital Transformation Office of the Ministry of Health, Setiaji, said that currently his party has coordinated with digital platforms such as Gojek, Grab, Tokopedia, Traveloka, Tiket, Dana, Cinema XXI, Link Aja, and there is even an application from the Jakarta Government, namely Jaki. So people don't have to use PeduliLindung but can get the features in PeduliLindung in the application.
''This will be launched in October. There is a process where we need some models to be accessible to everyone. So the applications that are most widely used are Gojek, Grab, Tokopedia and so on. They can be used to enter various features in PeduliLindungi,'' Setiaji said last week as quoted from the official website of the Ministry of Health.
Furthermore, Setiaji said, for people who do not have a smartphone and will travel by air or by train, the status of the PCR swab test results as well as the antigen and vaccine certificate can still be identified. This status can be found through the NIK number when buying tickets.
''We have implemented it at the airport, for example at the airport we have even integrated the ticket. If you take the train, it has been validated at the time of ordering the ticket, so that even without using a cellphone, it can be identified that the person concerned already has the vaccine and there are test results (PCR or antigen)," he said.
Meanwhile, for places that are not integrated with the PeduliLindung application, the public can check it independently in the PeduliLindung application. You do this by entering your NIK and it immediately appears that the person concerned is eligible or not to enter the place.
''In PeduliLindung there is already a feature for self-checking. So before leaving, people can use a self-check on themselves,'' said Setiaji.
On the other hand, the PeduliLindung application has many links, such as test results, close contact tracing results, and telemedicine so that you can get free drug services. Then the PeduliLindung application will also be integrated with the quarantine system.
Not only that, when viewed from the perspective of the number of accesses to the PeduliLindung application, at the beginning of July it was still below 1 million, now almost 9 million have accessed PeduliLindung, then 48 million times have been downloaded, and approximately 55 million monthly users.
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