JAKARTA - The chairman of the DPD RI, AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti, reminded parents of the dangers of exploiting children for reasons of economic interest. According to him exploitation will have a negative impact on children's physical and psychological. He conveyed this in response to the exploitation of a 10-month-old child who was turned into a silver man, such as a viral photo in the Parakan gas station area, Pamulang, South Tangerang (Tangsel).

"I asked the South Tangerang City Community Empowerment, Women's Empowerment, Child Protection and Family Planning Agency (DPMP3AKB) to reveal a viral photo on social media showing a 10-month-old baby boy painted silver all over his face," LaNyalla said, Sunday, September 26.

The senator from East Java assessed that this would certainly have a negative impact on the growth and development of young children.

He requested that this matter be investigated and advocated, because other forms of exploitation of children in an effort to earn a living in any form are not allowed and violate children's rights.

"Whatever the reason, this action falls under the category of exploitation of children and clearly violates their rights. I ask for this to be investigated and advocated," asked LaNyalla.

According to him, the baby's skin that is painted silver is very dangerous, because of course the baby is not bathed and dirty. This can cause skin diseases and other diseases such as respiratory or lung disorders due to exposure to dust and other negative impacts.

LaNyalla reminded that (DPMP3AKB) should take concrete steps to reduce the number of exploitation of children, especially children under five, which has long been rampant. "This will endanger future generations both socially, psychologically and psychologically," he said.

On the other hand, LaNyalla also requested that the root cause of this matter be resolved immediately. He sees economic factors as the basis for desperate parents to exploit their children. In LaNyalla's eyes, the coffers of money earned by exploiting children are not comparable to their bright future.

"Economic problems need to be resolved by the social service so that the social service does not exploit children for the sake of giving mercy to give change, but children's health becomes a victim and has a bigger impact on children's futures," said AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti.

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