JAKARTA - The Civil Service Police Unit of West Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra (West Sumatra) arrested 16 women karaoke guides at three cafes in West Pasaman.

"The 16 karaoke guides were secured in two cafes in Jambak and one cafe in Kinali," said Acting Head of the West Pasaman Civil Service Police Unit, Hendri Wijaya, quoting Antara, Saturday, September 25.

He said that as many as 16 women have now been secured at the West Pasaman Satpol PP Office for further examination.

According to him, the raid carried out was an implementation of the vision and mission of the West Pasaman Regent in increasing faith and piety in the area, as well as eradicating community diseases.

"We are not indiscriminate in enforcing the rules. Raids will continue and there should be no female karaoke room guides in West Pasaman," he said again.

He said the raids were also carried out in order to enforce Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 9 of 2017 Amendment to Regional Regulation Number 13 of 2018 concerning security and public order.

"This morning we are conducting an inspection, including for business owners. We will provide sanctions according to existing regulations," he also said.

He emphasized that according to the vision and mission of the Regent and Deputy Regent, community disease raids would continue to be held. Especially the existence of nightclubs or cafes that have rooms or rooms that do not comply with the rules, will continue to be disciplined.

"Satpol PP and a joint team will move quickly and will not give permission to operate cafes or nightclubs that do not comply with the rules," he said again.

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