JAKARTA - Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Mendes PDTT) Abdul Halim Iskandar has prepared Kebumen, Central Java, to become one of the pilot project districts in 2021/2022 in reducing extreme poverty to zero percent.

"In 2021 we will take seven provinces. We will take five districts in each province. In Central Java, Kebumen is one that we take so that in 2024 we can be free from extreme poverty," said Mendes in a written statement received in Jakarta. , Between, Friday, September 24.

In achieving this target, the Kemendes PDTT has updated village data based on the Village SDGs.

"Thank God, based on that, we are trying to provide a simulation so that we can solve extreme poverty," said Minister Gus.

According to Gus Minister, there are two poor people, namely the extreme poor who have almost all of the multidimensional complexity of poverty. Second, the extreme poor who are still possible can carry out self-actualization to survive.

In handling the extreme poor, the ministry has made several strategies, namely eradicating extreme poverty to zero percent which is carried out with a village-based micro approach.

Then, the subject of handling residents is based on "One Name One Address" by conducting a census targeting all residents or extreme poor families.

Furthermore, the strategy for handling extreme poverty alleviation is based on the activity phase unit in the village area unit and the implementation of follow-up handling is proposed through posyandu and welfare developed in the pockets of the extreme poor settlements.

Gus Minister also conveyed that the Ministry of Villages PDTT has prepared a response to extreme poor families. For example, reducing expenses, such as daily calorie intake movements, house renovations, health checks by posyandu, BPJS Health and providing scholarships.

"One of the other actions, namely increasing income, such as the existence of village cash labor intensive, Village Fund BLT, workers in bumdes and empowerment programs, as well as assistance to poor and extreme poor families," he said.

Based on data from the Kemendes PDTT, Kebumen has 66,685 extreme poor villagers, 9,390 extreme poor families in the village, 397 villages inhabited by the extreme poor and 26 sub-districts inhabited by the extreme poor.

"This data is not yet 100 percent. We hope that Kebumen can achieve the zero percent target in reducing extreme poverty in 2021," said Minister Gus.

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