JAKARTA - Novel Baswedan's advocacy team for investigating the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) urged several matters related to the trial of the verdict against Ronny Bugis and Rahmat Kadir who were defendants in the case of pouring hard water on Novel. One of them is asking the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (MA) Muhammad Syariffudin to monitor the proceedings of this trial.

In addition, according to one of the advocates in this team, Saleh Al-Ghifari asked the Chief Justice to guarantee that the trial of the verdict held at the North Jakarta District Court was carried out objectively.

"Novel Baswedan's advocacy team urged the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to guarantee that the panel of judges hearing this case will act objectively and not take part in the deviant trial," Saleh said in a written statement received by VOI, Wednesday, July 15.

Furthermore, this team urged the Prosecutor's Commission to investigate public prosecutors for alleged violations of the code of ethics. This is because, some time ago, the public prosecutor only charged two defendants with one year in prison for their actions.

In addition, this advocacy team also urged the Judicial Commission (KY) to investigate and examine indications of alleged violations of the code of ethics and code of conduct of judges.

The pressure was also conveyed to the Police Headquarters Propam. Saleh said, Propam must immediately investigate the Head of Division of Inspector General Rudy Herianto.

The reason was that Rudy was an investigator in the case of sprinkling hard water against Novel Baswedan. But recently, Rudy was appointed as legal counsel for Ronny Bugis and Rahmat Kadir. In addition, Saleh said, Rudy was suspected of having lost evidence to investigate this case.

Finally, this advocacy team urged President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to form an independent Joint Fact Finding Team (TGPF) which aims to uncover the attack case against the senior KPK investigator.

He considered, if the TGPF was not formed, it could be said that President Jokowi failed to guarantee the security of his citizens.

"If this (the formation of the TGPF, red) is not carried out, then the president can be said to have failed in ensuring the security of the citizens, considering that the National Police and the AGO are directly under the President. Moreover, victims are law enforcers," he said.

In line with Novel Baswedan's advocacy team, the Chairman of the KPK Employees Forum Yudi Purnomo hopes that President Jokowi will form the TGPF to expose the real perpetrators against his colleagues.

"We hope that with the completion of this trial process, the president will form a joint fact-finding team to look for the real perpetrators and motives that were not revealed at the trial," said Yudi.

He said, although the defendant would be sentenced by a judge, Yudi was sure that the case against Novel would not end. "Because intellectual actors have not been revealed in the facts of the trial and the motive for the attack is unclear because it is only the defendant's confession. Moreover, the one year charge is very far from the side of justice," he said.

Yudi said that the public currently has hopes for the panel of judges who will pass the verdict because the prosecutor gave very light sentences for the two defendants, namely Ronny Bugis and Rahmat Kadir.

He assessed that the public would certainly see the judge's work. Will the judge give light sentences according to the prosecutor's demands or even severely punish the perpetrators as was done by the Malaysian court against the six killers of the Malaysian anti-corruption agency prosecutor, Kevin Morais.

"We hope that the disclosure of the Novel Baswedan attack case is truly exposed and will be a deterrent effect for others not to commit terror against state employees. Because the state through its legal instruments will protect law enforcers by punishing harshly and firmly for the perpetrators of terrorizing its officers, "he said.

Previously, during the trial of the charges, two defendants pouring hard water on Novel Baswedan, namely Ronny Bugis and Rahmat Kadir Mahulette, were sentenced to one year in prison.

In the indictment, the defendant Rahmat's actions were deemed proven to have fulfilled the elements of maltreatment with planning and resulted in serious injuries because he used sulfuric acid or H2SO4 to injure Novel Baswedan. Meanwhile, Rony is considered to have been involved in the act of persecution because he helped the persecution process.

In addition, the prosecutor said that what incriminated the two defendants was that their actions had tarnished the honor of the National Police institution.

"Like peanuts on the skin, because Novel was assigned to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) even though he was raised at the National Police, he is very arrogant, famous and familiar with the law, so that the defendant's intention to teach Novel a lesson by making Novel seriously injured," said the prosecutor.

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