KLATEN - Airlangga Hartarto, who is the grandson of Ki Ageng Gribig, said that the routine activity of holding Ki Ageng Gribig's haul is the mandate of his father, Hartarto. This is a form of gratitude, because Ki Ageng Gribig has spread Islam, fought against colonialism and fought for Indonesia.

"I was not present at the event as the General Chair of the Golkar Party and also the Coordinating Minister for the Economy," said Airlangga in his remarks as the host of the Ki Ageng Gribig haul, in Jatinom, Klaten, Central Java, Thursday 23 September.

Airlangga said that what he did with his family was to commemorate the haul event every year as an effort to preserve the traditions handed down by Ki Ageng Gribig.

"As dzurriyah, children and grandchildren, great-grandchildren who always give blessings to their ancestors. We routinely hold Ki Ageng Gribig haul, carrying out the mandate of my father Pak Hartarto. The hope is that none other than us are devoted to our ancestors. fight against colonialism and fight for Indonesia," said Airlangga.

Suasana khusus saat acara haul Ki Ageng Gribig. (Foto Ist)
A special atmosphere during the Ki Ageng Gribig haul event. (Ist Photo)

The chairman of the Committee for Combating COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery (KCPEN) hopes that thanks to the washing of his ancestor Ki Ageng Gribig, the COVID-19 pandemic can be lifted soon and the economy will recover.

Ki Ageng Gribig, according to Airlangga, is a scholar who can combine divine elements with community culture and help the community's economy. Even though he died hundreds of years ago, Airlangga said that until now it was beneficial to build the economy of the surrounding community. "Hopefully the tahlil and prayers that we pray will be answered by Allah, may Allah swt bless Ki Ageng Gribig, the pandemic can be lifted by Allah SWT, the people will be prosperous again," he said.

Airlangga Hartarto told that Ki Ageng Gribig had a habit of distributing apem by chanting the wirid Ya Qowiyyu. However, in the past two years, Airlangga said it was not done because it was still in a pandemic atmosphere.

Airlangga also admitted that together with his family, he was inspired to interpret the word Apem. A is defined as a strong historical root, namely maintaining the traditions, culture and heritage of the nation's heroes. The letter P means unity and unity, namely maintaining harmony, instilling tolerance, maintaining pluralism and diversity.

The letter E of the rich economy of economic development must be centered on the prosperity of the people and the letter M means a society that is advanced, religious, has good morals, the creation of an advanced society, knowledge and technology based on faith and piety, noble character. “These APEM values are my line of struggle wherever I am. And this is the family's mandate to be maintained and run," said Airlanggga.

Airlangga had asked for his blessing so that he would always be given convenience in carrying out his duties in tackling COVID-19 and restoring conditions for economic growth.

Present in the haul included Habib Syech Bin Abdul Qodir Assegaf, Habib Umar Al Muthohar, Rois Syuriah PWNU KH Ubaidillah Shodaqoh, Gus Ghofur Maimoen Zubair, Chairman of the Central Java MUI and caretakers of Islamic boarding schools from Pati, Kudus, Habib and Kiai in Solo Raya and Central Java.

The tradition of Ya Qowiyyu Mbah Gribig

For hundreds of years since the 1600s, Ki Ageng Gribig has passed down a tradition called Saparan (the second month of the Javanese calendar). The local community is also familiar with the Ya Qowiyyu tradition. Yes Qowiyyu itself is believed to come from the chanting of the prayer Yaa Qowiyyu, yaa aziz Qowwina wal Muslimin, yaa qowiyyu warzuqna wal masulimin. The reading is generally practiced as a prayer for strength.

Airlangga Hartarto. (Foto Ist)
Airlangga Hartarto. (Ist Photo)

The Haul, which was organized by the Assembly of Dhikr and Sholawat Ahlul Hidayah (Majelis AH) led by Nusron Wahid, was held in the area of Ki Ageng Gribig's grave on Thursday night.

"This event is to mark and emulate the struggle of a great scholar named Mbah Gribig (Ki Ageng Gribig), a descendant of King Majapahit Brawijaya V from Sultan Agung, Mataram," said Nusron.

Nusron said that Airlangga Hartarto was Mustasyar Aam/Chairman of the Advisory Council of the AH Council. He is the holder of the grave of Ki Ageng Gribig. From the Javanese ancestral lineage, Ki Ageng Gribig is the grandson of Prabu Brawijaya of the Majapahit Kingdom, the son of RM Guntur or Prabu Wasi Jolodoro.

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