JAKARTA - The name of the Attorney General, ST Burhanuddin, is controversial again. After the Pinangki prosecutor's case, the former Jamdatun is now faced with the issue of educational background.

This was revealed by the circulation of discrepancies in Burhanuddin's educational profile information in his professor's inaugural speech and his curriculum vitae published on the official website of the Attorney General's Office. Quoting his inauguration book as a professor at Jenderal Sudirman University, it was stated that Burhanuddin graduated with a law degree from the University of 17 August 1945, Semarang, Central Java in 1983.

However, on the official website of the Attorney General's Office, Burhanuddin is said to have graduated from Diponegoro University in 1980. As for his post-graduate education, the Attorney General's official website states that the attorney general is a graduate of a master's degree in management from the University of Indonesia (UI) in 2001. Inauguration of his professor, Burhanuddin is said to have graduated from the Labora Management College in DKI Jakarta in 2001.

Then for his doctoral education, on the official website of the Attorney General's Office, Burhanuddin received his doctorate at UI in 2006. However, in the inauguration book, he graduated from Satyagama University Jakarta in 2006.

When a search was conducted with the keyword ST Burhanuddin, which appeared in the Dikti database, he was a lecturer at Satyagama University, Jakarta. Meanwhile, the keyword Sanitiar Burhanuddin was not found.

Then when the UI searched the data on behalf of ST. Burhanuddin graduated from the UI management master's degree in 2001. As a result, the name was not found in their database. What appeared was Muhammad Ikhsan Burhanuddin who graduated from the 2018 master's degree in management.

"Here are the data, with the keywords Burhanuddin and graduate of the management master's program. There is only data on behalf of Ikhsan Burhanuddin who has graduated in 2018," said University of Indonesia (UI) Public Relations Officer Mariana.

Constitutional Law expert Refly Harun also responded to the polemic of ST Burhanuddin's diploma. He questioned whether the information distributed by the Attorney General's Office or in the book was genuine or not. "That's the only problem," said Refly to reporters, Thursday, September 23.

According to him, if the bachelor's degree (S1) diploma is not original, then all degrees must be removed. He also urged the President to dismiss ST Burhanuddin as Attorney General, because he had lied to the public.

"But this is if (not original). Again, if (not original). Therefore, it must be verified seriously the truth of the data concerned," he said.

According to him, Burhanuddin's clarification is not enough, but there must be an independent investigation. "Including statements from institutions or institutions that he wrote. The point is to find the material truth," he said.

Separately, Education Observer Doni Koesoema said that in terms of personnel administration, there should be verification regarding graduate backgrounds and valid official data recognized by law to become state officials.

According to him, the personnel department must verify the validity of the data. "Because if an unqualified individual uses false information, then this is already a criminal act," said Doni.

He called it unfair to other people with the same qualifications but not being selected. According to him, data on personnel must be complete. MenPANRB, and BKN must reprimand and ask for clarification to verify the validity of the data.

Doni said the data problem must be seen whether or not the severity of the case. Is it just an administrative problem or maladministration, a violation of data integrity.

"Because these two cases have different impacts," he said.

However, he said that the quality of graduates is not related to the origin of their alma mater, because the quality is individual.

"But if the individual data as alumni are questioned, it means that their learning outcomes and competencies are also questioned," he continued.

According to him, if it is proven that there is falsification of data, then ST Burhanuddin is not valid to serve as Attorney General. If it is proven that data falsification has occurred, then the current position must be declared invalid and canceled because it does not meet the requirements.

Meanwhile, the University of Diponegoro when confirmed regarding the ST data. Burhanuddin suggested to access the data center.

"Because the data is usually in the center. I am only in the faculty," said Undip Public Relations Officer, Nuswantoro.


The Indonesian Attorney General's Center for Legal Information provided clarification regarding the educational background of Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin, which is currently being made public news and discussion.

Head of the Indonesian Attorney General's Center for Legal Information, Leonard Eben Ezer Simanjuntak, said that Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin studied at three different universities.

Based on documents and data officially recorded at the Indonesian Attorney General's Office of Personnel Bureau, Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin completed his bachelor's degree (first) at the 17 August University in Semarang. Then the education of Strata II (second) at the Labora Management College in DKI Jakarta, and Strata III at Satyagama University in DKI Jakarta.

"Documents and educational data in the points above are the same as those used at the inauguration ceremony as a non-permanent professor in the field of criminal law at Jenderal Sudirman University," said Leonard.

Leonard said that the explanation regarding Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin's educational background could straighten out the news circulating in the community today.

The Indonesian Attorney General's Center for Legal Information also emphasized that the existence of some of the Attorney General's data that was spread in other media, it was confirmed that the data was "wrong", and so far it has never been officially confirmed to the Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Indonesia.

"From the explanation above, the Puspenkum of the Attorney General's Office has provided an explanation for the news in question," said Leonard.

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