JAKARTA - Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbudristek) Nadiem Makarim emphasized that his party would eradicate three sins in the national education system. The three are intolerance, bullying, and sexual violence.

"So let us clarify the position of the Ministry of Education and Culture and the central government regarding these three sins. These are three things that we will eradicate from our education system," Nadiem said at the launch of the book on strengthening religious moderation, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, September 22.

Nadiem said that efforts to eliminate intolerance, bullying and sexual violence will be carried out through the Merdeka Learning program. In the Merdeka Learning program, one of them will be mainstreaming character education.

To achieve this goal, the Ministry of Education and Culture has even changed the national education quality mapping system to be able to measure the values of Pancasila. In the past, the mapping of the quality of education through the National Examination is now being changed through the National Assessment.

"More importantly there is even a character survey and there is a learning environment survey. From these surveys, we see, accessing the existing Pancasila values, namely the values of diversity, tolerance, security in the school environment. And from there we will measure the map of the quality of education in Indonesia is not only based on cognitive progress," said Nadiem.

His party is also designing materials related to religious moderation to be included in the curriculum for the Motivating School program which was prepared with the Ministry of Religion.

"That is a prototype curriculum that we are testing in the driving schools. That's where our religious moderation content will also conduct research and implement it in 2,500 schools which will continue to grow every year," said Nadiem.

Previously, the Ministry of Religion released a guidebook for strengthening religious moderation which will be a guide in educational institutions, both madrasas, schools, and universities.

There were four guidelines released, namely the pocket book on religious moderation for teachers, the training module book on strengthening moderation insights for teachers, guidelines for integrating moderation in religious subjects, and a student handbook.

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