BANDUNG - Bandung Regent Dadang Supriatna rotates nine heads of regional apparatus or at the level of head of service within the Bandung Regency Government.

This rotation is contained in the Decree of the Regent of Bandung Number 821/SK.505-BKPSDM/2021 dated September 22, 2021, concerning the Appointment of Civil Servants from and into the Primary High Leadership Position within the Bandung Regency Government.

According to Dadang, the inauguration of echelon II was based on a permit from the State Civil Apparatus Commission and the Minister of Home Affairs.

"Where a month ago the Ujikom (competency test) was based on the Ujikom and then said it was only a rotation and mutation, this is not an open bidding," said Dadang in Bandung, West Java, Antara, Wednesday, September 22.

The nine heads of regional apparatus, namely, Erwin Rinaldi, who originally served as Disperkimtan, now serves as Head of Bappeda. The position of Head of Bappeda was vacant after Cakra Amiyana was appointed as Regional Secretary.

The position of Head of Disperkimtan, shifted to Agus Nuria Agusanas, who originally occupied the position of Head of the Public Works and Spatial Planning Service (DPUTR), while Zeis Zultaqawa filled the position left by Agus Nuria.

The Department of Transportation (Dishub) which was originally headed by Zeis Zultaqawa, has now changed its leadership, namely Iman Irianto, who previously served as Head of the National and Political Unity Agency (Kesbangpol).

The vacant position of Head of the Department of Food Security and Fisheries (Dispakan), is currently filled by Tri Heru Setiati, who previously served as Head of the Archives and Library Service (Disarpus).

Meanwhile, the Head of Disarpus is now held by Yosep Nugraha where previously he served as Head of the Tourism and Culture Office (Disparbud).

Disparbud will now be headed by Wawan Ahmad Ridwan who previously headed the Human Resources Development and Personnel Agency (BPKSDM).

Left by Wawan Ridwan, BKPSDM was filled by Akhmad Djohara, who originally served as Chief Executive (Kalak) of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD).

Then Agus Firman Zaini became the Regent's Expert Staff for Development and Economics, vacating the position of Head of the Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises Office (Diskop UKM).

He also appealed to newly appointed officials to implement and accelerate programs that are in line with the vision and mission of development carried out by the regent.

“We have to run a marathon, because at the end of the year there are two stages that must be successful. The first is the success of the discussion of the RAPBD, in which 3 months are left. The second is to prepare KUA/PPAS for the pure 2022 budget," said Dadang.

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