BENGKULU - The Bengkulu Provincial Police's Ditreskrimsus has named the former treasurer of the Bengkulu Province Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI), Hirwan Fuadi, a suspect. Hirwan is suspected of robbing state money in the case of the KONI grant for the 2020 fiscal year of Rp. 15 billion.

Dirreskrimsus Bengkulu Police Kombes Aries Andhi said the state loss in this case touched the figure of Rp11 billion.

Suspect Hirwan is suspected of playing a role in ordering the former chairman of the Bengkulu Province KONI, Mufran Imron (suspect status) to disburse the grant funds.

"So his role is to be ordered by the chairman to disburse funds, which should have been submitted and paid to sports under the auspices of KONI, but were handed over to the chairman of KONI, so the corruption crime occurred," said Aries Andhi in Bengkulu, Antara, Wednesday, 22 September.

Previously, Hirwan Fuadi was not detained by the Bengkulu Police, after being named a suspect. The case was transferred to the Bengkulu High Prosecutor's Office and immediately detained at the Bengkulu Police Detention Center on Tuesday, September 21 yesterday.

Head of the Bengkulu Attorney General's Office, Ristianti Andriani, said that the suspect was placed in the Bengkulu Police Detention Center for detention for the next 20 days, in order to facilitate the prosecution process before being transferred to the court for trial.

"For the suspect, the former chairman of KONI has been delegated some time ago, now it is the turn of the former treasurer who has been delegated," he said.

Hirwan Fuad was named a suspect by investigators based on the statements of several witnesses, including the testimony of the former head of the Bengkulu Province KONI, Mufran Imron. Hirwan Fuad is suspected of knowing the entry and exit of money, including the use of provincial KONI grant funds for the 2020 fiscal year.

The Bengkulu Police previously also examined a number of officials within the Bengkulu Provincial Government (Pemprov) who were suspected of having something to do with the process of KONI's Rp15 billion grant.

Each of the Bengkulu Province Regional Secretary (Sekda) and a number of Bengkulu Provincial Government assistants, Bengkulu Province Inspectorate Head Heru Susanto, Bengkulu Regional Asset and Financial Management Agency (BPKAD) Head Noni Yulesti, and the heads of sports branches.

The two suspects were charged with Articles 2 and 3 of Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraphs 1 to 1 of the Criminal Code.

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