JAKARTA - TNI Commander Marshal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto emphasized that his party is ready to help accelerate the COVID-19 vaccination in Lampung

The TNI commander asked the vaccination organizers to immediately use up the available vaccine quota, and report it when it ran out so that new supplies were immediately given.

"Use all available vaccines and report them when they run out, so that they reach the expected target," said the TNI Commander when reviewing mass vaccinations at Raden Intan Lampung State Islamic University (UIN), Bandarlampung, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, September 22.

The TNI Commander together with the Head of the National Police Security Maintenance Agency (Kabaharkam) Komjen Arief Sulistyanto and the Head of BNPB Lt. Gen. Ganip Warsito reviewed the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination at UIN Lampung.

Vaccination organizers are targeting to vaccinate 1,500 residents in this activity. There are around 80 health workers from the TNI and Polri who serve as vaccine interpreters.

Along with the visit, mass COVID-19 vaccinations were also held simultaneously in several other areas in Bandar Lampung. There were 23 COVID-19 vaccination activities held simultaneously by the Kodim, Koramil, and Polres in Lampung.

The TNI commander also took the time to have a virtual chat with the military commanders who helped with mass vaccination activities in their respective areas.

The TNI commander to his staff conveyed the importance of synergizing to accelerate the COVID-19 vaccination. If the vaccination target is quickly achieved, then the spread of COVID-19 in Lampung can be controlled, and herd immunity is quickly formed.

Not only that, Marshal Hadi hopes that all community groups will also help the Government in spreading understanding about the importance of vaccination and implementing health protocols.

The TNI Commander also appreciated the vaccination activities at UIN Lampung, one of which was driven by the Student Executive Board (BEM) of UIN Lampung.

"I really appreciate the implementation of vaccination at the UIN Lampung Campus. I thank the UIN BEM and the health workers and the entire organizing committee," said Hadi Tjahjanto.

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