JAKARTA - It is rumored that FTV artist Hana Hanifah will be brought back to Jakarta. This is following the unclear legal status of Hana regarding the alleged online prostitution case.

The news is that Hana Hanifah will soon be home based on the Instagram story post on her personal account. In the upload, it was written that it was currently in the process of being returned.

"Alhamdulillah Hana is fine and in the process of returning to Jakarta, God willing," wrote the account @hanaaaast.

However, the Instagram status was not written directly by Hana. Because, there is a sentence that if the Instagram account is managed temporarily by the manager.

"For the time being the IG Hana account is held / managed by Hana's manager," wrote the account.

Hana was previously arrested by the police because she was suspected of being involved in an alleged online prostitution case in Medan. The police previously stated that Hana had received Rp.20 million from a masher with the initials A.

The North Sumatra Police Chief, Inspector General Martuani Sormin also said that investigators would only determine the status of HH after conducting a case title. Whether HH is a victim or a suspect.

"Later we will wait for the title of the case from the Medan Police. Because this is before it was held, we have not dared to determine steps to investigate," said Martuani.

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