JAKARTA - Chairman of the House of Representatives Commission X, Syaiful Huda, asked SMP Negeri 4 Mrebet Purbalingga, Central Java, to mitigate 90 of his students who were exposed to COVID-19 to clarify the status of transmission that occurred when face-to-face learning (PTM) was opened. This mitigation is considered important so that it becomes an example for other schools.

Syaiful assessed that the regional government needs to facilitate re-checking by means of a PCR test so that the results and the number of students who are confirmed positive for the Corona virus are more accurate. more certain," said Huda, Wednesday, September 22.

Regarding the budget for the PCR test, according to him, it can be coordinated between the local government and the school's BOS funds. Moreover, the distribution of school clusters had previously been predicted so that readiness was needed in implementing PTM. "Process is a checklist that must be prepared. Important PTMs still have to run, but schools really have to prepare health protocols to the maximum," said Huda. PTM. Therefore, he suggested that there be cooperation between schools, the COVID Task Force, and the Education and Health Office in Purbalingga Regency. "Indeed, I believe in the initiative from schools to open PTM because of the need. But, it has happened, I think the spirit is to carry out joint evaluations and improvements," concluded Huda.

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