JAKARTA - The Purbalingga Regency Government, Central Java temporarily suspended limited face-to-face learning activities (PTM) after 90 students tested positive for COVID-19. All of the students were in good condition because they were asymptomatic.

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo explained that he had asked for a thorough tracing of all students who were exposed to the virus. But fortunately, they are in good condition and are conducting integrated isolation.

"They are asymptomatic and have entered isoter," said Ganjar to the editor of VOI, Wednesday, September 22.

The Regent of Purbalingga, Dyah Hayuning Pratiwi, previously said that all limited PTM implementations were suspended until further evaluation was conducted. The decision was taken following 90 students of SMPN 4 Mrebet, Purbalingga Regency who are currently undergoing centralized isolation in the school building because their rapid antigen test results showed positive for COVID-19.

This condition was discovered after a mass antigen test activity was held by the local puskesmas team to support face-to-face learning.

"Based on the information we received, from about 300 students, it turned out that 90 of them had a positive antigen test result," he said.

The Regent said, related to this, his party would conduct a thorough evaluation and ensure the readiness of the health protocol before restarting limited PTM activities.

"Thus, it is hoped that it will minimize the potential or risk of transmitting COVID-19," he said.

The Regent added that so far his party had made strict rules for the implementation of limited PTM.

"For example, by carrying out mass antigen tests before the implementation of limited PTM, vaccinating teaching staff and also ensuring the readiness of implementing health protocols in schools," he said.

However, in the future it will make more detailed and stricter rules related to the implementation of PTM.

"Therefore, for further preparation, PTM activities are limited to being temporarily suspended, please be patient, keep the spirit to maintain health and discipline and the application of health protocols must continue to be strengthened," he said.

The Regent of Purbalingga said that at this time his party was continuing to take quick steps and coordinating with all relevant parties in order to deal with 90 students of SMPN 4 Mrebet whose antigen rapid test results showed positive.

"Of course we will take quick steps, we also direct the 90 children to undergo centralized isolation in the school building," he said.

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