JAKARTA - The House of Representatives Commission IX in charge of health issues appealed to the central and regional governments to pay attention to the school cluster after 90 students of SMP Negeri 4 Mrebet Purbalingga, Central Java, were declared exposed to COVID-19.

"Indonesian school clusters have come to the attention of WHO, which means we have to be careful, we have to be aware that our school clusters are real. This needs attention, the impacts on the ground are already there," said Member of Commission IX DPR, Rahmad Handoyo, Wednesday, 22 September.

According to the PDIP politician, there needs to be a comprehensive consolidation regarding face-to-face school preparation between the center and the regions as well as the school. Even though the government gave the green light, he said, the green light must be addressed in the field with careful preparation.

"Whether it's in terms of readiness, the maximum number of students may attend, it should be tested first, whether it takes turns. But when it comes to one week it can be a day or two days of teacher guidance, technically at home learn what it is that must be prepared," explained Rahmad.

In addition, he added, supervision and control from the school must also be strictly enforced to ensure that the implementation of health protocols remains disciplined.

"For example, the teachers really supervise the implementation so that children don't gather together, the health protocol," said the Central Java legislator.

Therefore, he asked schools and local governments not to force themselves in the implementation of face-to-face learning (PTM).

"To schools and (government, ed) regions, don't force yourself if you're not ready, if you're ready, just try out, if it's successful, add students," said Rahmad.

It is known, the Regency Government (Pemkab) of Purbalingga, Central Java has temporarily suspended limited face-to-face learning activities (PTM). The district government evaluates the readiness of health protocols, following 90 positive COVID-19 students.

"For the time being, all limited PTM implementations will be suspended until further evaluation is carried out," said Purbalingga Regent Dyah Hayuning Pratiwi, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, September 21.

The regent said the decision was taken following 90 students of SMPN 4 Mrebet, Purbalingga Regency who are currently undergoing centralized isolation in the school building because their rapid antigen test results showed positive for COVID-19.

This condition was discovered after a mass antigen test activity was held by the local puskesmas team to support face-to-face learning.

"Based on the information we received, from about 300 students, it turned out that 90 of them had a positive antigen test result," he said.

The Regent said, related to this, his party would conduct a thorough evaluation and ensure the readiness of the health protocol before restarting limited PTM activities.

"Thus, it is hoped that it will minimize the potential or risk of transmitting COVID-19," he said.

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