BANYUWANGI - A man with a mental disorder (ODGJ) with the initials IM went on a rampage while undergoing a COVID-19 vaccination in Rejoagung Village, Srono District, Banyuwangi.

IM is known to have often raged since the last four years. During the vaccination, the health worker on duty asked the local Babinsa to calm him down.

At first the ODGJ was calm waiting for the vaccination. But suddenly angry when the nurse was about to inject him.

"He was shocked too. At first he was quiet and seemed calm. But when he was about to give an injection, he suddenly got angry and wanted to hit the officer," said Babinsa Rejoagung, Serda Musta'an, Tuesday, September 21.

The officer then calmed the ODGJ. Until finally calm and ready to be vaccinated.

Vaccination for ODGJ is done door to door. This is done to anticipate the unexpected.

"It's like ODGJ getting angry, crying or making noise. We also always accompany the officers to ensure their safety," added Musta'an.

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