MATARAM - A rice trader in the Gubug Mamben neighborhood, Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara, with the initials IF (44), was tortured to death. There were 15 stab wounds all over his body.

"There are (stab wounds) in the chest, above the breast, solar plexus, arms and thighs," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Mataram Police, Kompol Kadek Adi Budi Astawa, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, September 21.

Kadek Adi conveyed that this was in accordance with the results of the post-mortem of the victim's body. From the identification, the victim is still with the perpetrator with the initials HU (45).

"The victim and the perpetrator are still in-laws," he said.

The murders occurred in the early hours of Tuesday, September 21. According to the police, the victim's house and the perpetrator's house are still in the same yard

"At that time the victim was sleeping alone in the living room. Then the perpetrator came and immediately stabbed the victim with a dagger," said Kadek Adi.

The victim's husband, who heard the screams in the living room, immediately came out of his bedroom. When the action was caught, the perpetrator fled and hid into his house which was a wall away from the victim's house.

"This perpetrator immediately took a spear and threatened the victim's husband," said Kadek Adi.

The tension between the victim's husband and the perpetrator was later heard by local residents. Residents had wanted to judge the perpetrators who were hiding in their homes.

"In that situation, the member who received the report immediately came to the scene and it was observed that there had been chaos," he said.

As a result of the commotion, the windows of the victim's house were shattered, the door was broken, and there were shards of bricks scattered around.

Then related to the motive of this case, it is suspected that the perpetrators objected when reprimanded by the victim when littering in the sewer in front of the house.

"For a while because of old grudges, victims are often insulted and the peak is when they are reprimanded for throwing garbage," said Kadek Adi.

Kadek Adi said the perpetrator had now been arrested and secured at the Mataram Police Headquarters.

"We have secured the evidence for stabbing the victim, including spears," he said.

The perpetrator, who works as a blacksmith on a daily basis, was charged with Article 340 of the Criminal Code on Premeditated Murder and/or Article 338 on Murder.

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