JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo and Chairman of the House of Representatives Puan Maharani held a quiz while reviewing the implementation of student vaccinations at schools in Serang City, Banten.

During his review, Jokowi asked Puan to ask one of the students at SMA 4 Serang City a question. Puan asked a question regarding the COVID-19 vaccination.

"What's the point of vaccination?" asked Puan at the location, Tuesday, September 21.

A class XI MIA 3 SMA 4 Serang student named Intan Aprilia Safira then answered Puan's question.

"Vaccine as a protector and immune booster," he said.

"That's right what the President said. Got a bicycle, yes, "said Puan.

Hearing this, Intan jumped for joy because she got a bicycle prize. After the quiz, Jokowi and Puan also greeted the teachers and asked about the implementation of the limited PTM which had been implemented at the school.

Student who got a bicycle (IST)

In addition, Jokowi also had a dialogue with other schools that were also conducting mass vaccinations via video conference. On that occasion, Jokowi requested that vaccinations be completed immediately so that students can safely conduct limited face-to-face lessons (PTM).

“I think it is very good that in Banten province face-to-face learning has started and I see that the vaccination is also very intensive, the percentage is also very good. Soon what has not been resolved so that all schools in Banten Province can all meet face-to-face in a safe condition because they are protected by vaccines," said Jokowi.

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