JAKARTA - Indonesia is one of the recipients of the Outstanding Achievement Award from the World Food Agency or FAO and the World Atomic Agency or IAEA.

The Outstanding Achievement Award was also given by FAO and IAEA to ten other countries, namely China, Cuba, India, Bangladesh, Iran, Malaysia, Mali, Pakistan and South Africa.

This award was achieved through the Nuclear Energy Research Organization of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). This award is given for the achievements of research and utilization of nuclear technology in Indonesia through the Nuclear Energy Research Organization (ORTN) in the field of food plant breeding.

Indonesian Ambassador to the United Nations Darmansjah Djumala said this award proves that Indonesia has the ability to utilize nuclear technology for the development of superior varieties of food crops.

"This award shows that the program to strengthen the human resource capacity of nuclear technology initiated by the IAEA and together with the FAO has provided tangible benefits in strengthening the human resource capacity of Indonesian researchers, including nuclear applications in the food sector," said Djumala in a statement, Tuesday, September 21.

In addition, said Djumala, this award also shows that Indonesia is recognized for mastering nuclear technology for peaceful purposes, and applying it to support national development programs.

Meanwhile, Director General of the IAEA, Rafael Mariano Grossi, said that the climate change that is hitting the world today is a challenge for researchers to develop superior plant varieties.

"The world is currently faced with serious challenges, namely climate change and threats to food security," he said.

"Efforts to find joint solutions need to be continued by the global community, including through the use of nuclear technology by nuclear experts in many countries who develop new superior plant varieties," continued Rafael Mariano.

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