JAKARTA - Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte is involved in the alleged abuse case at the Criminal Investigation Department. He beat Muhammad Kece to a pulp and even covered him with human excrement.

In this series of actions, the Criminal Investigation Department has begun to find out how Napoleon Bonaparte was able to carry out persecution in the prison.

Change Padlock

Director of General Crimes at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Andi Rian Djajadi said Napoleon Bonaparte replaced the lock on Muhammad Kece's cell with another detainee. This was done to get into the detention cell of Muhammad Kece, the suspect in the blasphemy case.

"The standard locks for the victim's cell room were changed," said Andi when contacted, Monday, September 20.

The lock of Muhammad Kece's prison cell was replaced with a cell from the 'Chairman of the RT' at the Bareskrim remand center. In that way, Napoleon Bonaparte could enter easily.

"It was replaced with a lock belonging to the RT chairman at the request of NB, so they can access it," said Andi.

But not explained in detail how the process of exchanging the padlock. Especially in the context of 'Head of RT' in the prison.

Allegedly, the 'RT head' in question is a prisoner in charge of other detainees.

"The head of the RT, the prisoner also has the initials H alias C," said Andi

Invite Other Prisoners

In addition, from a series of preliminary examination results, it was also known that Napoleon Bonaparte had invited several other prisoners.

"Indeed, the most dominant is NB. But before the beating, NB involved another prisoner," said Andi.

The purpose of involving other prisoners was to pressure Muhammad Kece or not to fight. So, Napoleon Bonaparte could do the things he wanted.

"Including to suppress and affect psychologically," said Andi.

"So when NB did the persecution, the little guy didn't dare to fight back," he continued.

Moreover, said Andi, Muhammad Kece is a new prisoner compared to the others. So, do not dare to fight.

"He (M. Kece) is a new person who just entered. He doesn't know anyone there, does he," said Andi.

Allegedly Taking Advantage of the 2-Star General Rank

Not only that, there are other methods that are allegedly used by Napoleon Bonaparte in a series of acts of persecution against Muhammad Kece.

The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono, said that there was an allegation that Napoleon Bonaparte used his rank to overcome the supervision of the detention center officers during the persecution.

"On the other hand, the person concerned (Napoleon Bonaparte) is also still the boss, with a subordinate guarding the detainees. We'll ask there later," said Argo.

To prove this allegation, investigators examined four prison guards. In fact, a team from the National Police Propam Division intervened.

In addition, the examination of the officers was also to explore several other things. For example, the beginning of the persecution until the action of Napoleon smearing Muhammad Kece with human waste.

"Later there we will find out what happened," said Argo.

"What is the chronology like, what are we waiting for," he continued.

So far, Napoleon Bonaparte is still an active member of the National Police. This is because the bribery case for the abolition of red notices and DPOs at Immigration does not yet have permanent legal force or commitment.

"You haven't signed up yet, there's still an appeal," said Argo.

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