JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin emphasized two approaches to the welfare of the people in Papua and West Papua, namely welfare and dialogue.

"The first is how the welfare approach will be immediately implemented in Papua in relation to the new law (Law Number 2 of 2021 concerning Special Autonomy for the Papua Province)," said Spokesperson for Vice President Masduki Baidlowi, quoted by Antara, Monday, September 20.

The vice president encouraged the regional governments (Pemda) in Papua and West Papua to support the government's efforts to accelerate development in the two provinces. Meanwhile, the second is a dialogue approach with communities in Papua and West Papua. Currently, said Masduki, the Vice President is initiating a meeting with various figures in the two provinces. ," he explained.

The vice president prioritizes this cultural approach because dialogue is an important effort for the people of Papua and West Papua.

"According to the Vice President, the approach to friendship and dialogue is very important. Don't be impressed that Jakarta is only building, the existing security and development approach has actually become the target of destruction from groups who don't want Papua to be safe," he said. in Papua and West Papua, this was conveyed directly by the Vice President Ma'ruf when he received the Deputy Governor of West Papua Lakotani at the vice president's official residence in Jakarta.

Also attending the meeting was the General Chair of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) of West Papua Province, Nausrau and the General Chair of the Papua Province MUI, Saeful Islam Al Payage.

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