KANGASEM - A Canadian man with the initials LB in Bali is suspected of committing suicide by slashing his arm.

"Furthermore, the victim was taken to Sanglah Hospital (Denpasar) for further examination using an ambulance at 13.00 WITA," said the Head of the Padangbai Port Area Police, Kompol I Made Suadnyana, Monday, September 20.

The incident occurred at a Canadian Caucasian LB rented house in Manggis District, Karangasem Regency, Bali at around 09.00 WITA.

The lifeless victim was first found by his girlfriend with the initials SA. The victim was found in the bathroom with his right hand slashed.

"So the reporter came to the witness and victim to the TKP and found the same thing, so he decided to report it to the Padangbai Harbor Area Police," added Suadnyana.

The victim is known to live by renting a private house owned by I Wayan Sudiasna from 2014. This Canadian Caucasian lives with his girlfriend.

The police continued, Suadnyana, found a cutter knife and a will at the scene.

Meanwhile, from the results of the identification of health workers and the Karangasem Police Inafis unit, it is suspected that the victim committed suicide by slashing the pulse on the left arm.

"The victim allegedly ended his life by slashing the blood vessels of the right and left hands. The victim is suspected to have a history of pinched nerve surgery so that he was unable to endure the post-operative pain," said Police Commissioner Suadnyana.

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