JAKARTA - The police are still investigating the shooting case against Ustaz Arman or Alex that occurred in Tangerang. Interim results, projectiles from the perpetrator's firearm (sempi) are said to have penetrated the victim's body.

"Including projectiles. Because the shooting penetrated and the projectile was able to target the door of the victim's house," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Monday, September 20.

Even now, Yusri continued, the confiscated projectiles are still being examined by the Labfor team. The aim is to find out the type of rifle used by the perpetrator.

"The Labfor team is currently analyzing the weapons used by the perpetrators. The team is still working," said Yusri.

The investigators continued to look for information and clues about the perpetrator. CCTV footage that allegedly recorded the shooting and the statements of witnesses are being investigated.

"We have already gathered the available evidence and examined several witnesses including family and neighbors witnesses and finally together there were about 5 witnesses," said Yusri.

For information, Arman, alias Ustadz Alex, a religious figure who was the victim of the shooting on Jalan Naen Saba, Pinang, Tangerang City, is the chairman of the Taklim Council in Tangerang. The shooting took place on Saturday, September 18, evening.

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