JAKARTA - The Lions Club held a simultaneous clean-up activity in the world (World Cleanup Day) this year. World Cleanup Day is a social movement that aims to invite and educate the public to have an awareness of cleaning, protecting and maintaining the environment starting from oneself, home and society.

This year's clean-up is the fourth time the Lions Club has conducted a clean-up since 2017.

"The theme of this year's Clean-Up Action is Sort Garbage from Home, which means providing education and awareness to the public that tackling the waste problem can be done by sorting waste from the house," said Lions Clubs Environment Committee Chairperson, Liana Trisnawati in Jakarta, Saturday 18 September .

The National Movement for Sorting Garbage from Home is the theme of this year's WCD considering the situation and conditions are still in the COVID-19 pandemic, so this clean-up activity is carried out from their respective homes, namely the community sorts waste at home and then collects it and takes it to the Waste Bank to be weighed.

Liana added that the Sorting Garbage from Home activity is also a national movement with 300 participants coordinated by the Lions Club District 307 A1 and the Waste Bank and recycling companies in DKI Jakarta, which was attended by 100,000 people spread across six areas of DKI Jakarta, namely Jakarta. Central, West Jakarta, South Jakarta, East Jakarta, North Jakarta and the Thousand Islands.

"It's time we talk about let's segregate waste from home. How to improve the waste bank and how the waste is managed. How to turn waste into independent recycling raw materials, not imported anymore. Let's use waste as something that increases the value of the circular economy. Of course this is all need the support of all parties, as has been done by Le Minerale who was very quick to discuss with us and immediately execute waste sorting activities," said Rosa Vivien Ratnawati as Director General of Waste, Waste and Hazardous Toxic Materials Management (PSLB3). in his remarks at the World Clean Day event.

This year's clean-up activity was also well organized due to collaboration involving various cross-sectoral parties, such as Le Minerale Bottled Drinking Water Manufacturers, Chandra Asri, the Indonesian Plastic Recycling Association (ADUPI), and the Association of Indonesian Port Business Entities (ABUPI). ).

Ronald Atmadja, Sustainability Director of PT Tirta Fresindo Jaya said, this is the second year of Le Minerale's involvement in World Cleanup Day with the Lions Club.

"We are very happy to be able to participate in this activity. This support is a form of our commitment to protecting and caring for the environment. This activity is in line with our vision to educate the importance of sorting out waste from home which is one of the keys to success for recycling activities with the concept of a circular economy can run well and efficiently," said Ronald.

"Le Minerale's National Circular Economy Movement is committed to supporting waste management efforts, in particular to spread the habit of sorting waste from home. Apart from participating directly in WCD with the Lions Club, Le Minerale is also actively educating the public through community service messages on several TV stations with the educational theme "Segregate". Choose Garbage from Home" which aims to increase public awareness of the importance of segregating waste widely," added Ronald.

Sorting waste from home is an important part of the circular economy chain to increase the collection rate, and the quality of the collection results. Community participation in sorting waste will get direct economic benefits, by selling the results of sorting waste to waste banks, or to collection points.

For this reason, through this clean-up activity, it is hoped that the Indonesian people will become more aware of the importance of sorting out waste from their homes, and not littering. By properly sorting waste between organic waste, plastic waste, and other packaging waste, it will make it easier for collectors, waste bank managers and recyclers to manage or utilize it, and the value of plastic packaging waste if it is not contaminated with organic waste will have a higher value.

"The National Movement for Sorting Garbage from Homes also received an award from the Indonesian Original Record (ORI) as an achievement in the Movement for Sorting Garbage from the Most Homes with the most total participants, which is more than 100,000 participants," lid Liana.

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