MAKASSAR - The South Sulawesi Provincial Government has again collaborated with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to help pursue and secure a number of assets which are now claimed to be controlled by individuals without clear document status.

"Many government assets have been sued by certain individuals with certain documents that we indicate are documents whose authenticity is doubtful," said Acting Governor of South Sulawesi Andi Sudirman Sulaiman after a meeting with the KPK Kopsurgah team in Makassar, quoted by Antara, Friday, September 17.

He emphasized that the KPK Prevention Coordination and Supervision Team (Korsupgah) was ready to assist the provincial government in terms of asset ownership assistance to the management of the state civil apparatus (ASN) as well as the procurement of goods and services, as a form of prevention and prosecution of corruption.

So far, the South Sulawesi Provincial Government has secured one state asset out of seven assets claimed to belong to individuals. This certainly cannot be separated from the role and assistance of the KPK in securing state-owned assets.

"We have just won one asset, namely Al Markaz Al Islami, we have received the decision today (cassation decision) and there are still six of the seven assets being sued by them," said Andi Sudirman.

The individual plaintiff referred to suing the six government lands, he said, was the same person who sued Al Markaz's land, namely on behalf of Ince Baharuddin and Ince Rahmawati claiming the land was hers.

"With this, we want to work with the KPK to provide assistance on how to do this (assets). There should not be an inch of land from the government and then use certain documents to take rights that do not belong to them," said Sudirman.

While the Head of the Task Force (Kasatgas) Region IV Korsupgah KPK Niken Ariati, told reporters that his party had monitored seven vital state assets, be it BUMN, education, PLN and others.

The assets being sued, namely the land in Makassar Port occupied by PT Pelindo IV Makassar, has been inkracht (permanent legal force), then the Unhas pond land in Tallo is now in the cassation process. The two lands of the Toll Road in Tallo have been signed, the Panampu Market is being appealed, the Al Markaz Mosque has been appealed and the land on Jalan Latimojong is still in process.

"So these are seven public facilities and then vital state objects, very vulnerable to being sued by the same person. We hope that there will be maximum efforts from each party to maintain it, otherwise it will be lost," said Niken.

His party hopes that there will be escorts from all lines to maintain both in terms of collecting evidence and documents. Although a number of assets being sued are still in the trial process, Niken sees that the plaintiffs are trying to use the old method, using old system documents.

"From what I've read, it was used (to sue) Rincik, which was issued in the 1940s. So later we will try to go all out, because all those who are being sued actually have complete documents from the Dutch era and the certificates already exist," he said.

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