JAKARTA - The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated digitalization faster than expected, where currently many meeting activities are being carried out by including online activities. For this reason, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Wishnutama Kusubandio, asked the organizers of the activity to release all their creativity in packaging the event.

One thing that can be done is to include performance art from Indonesian arts and creative workers. Indonesia has a variety of high cultural arts that can be applied to various forms, including to be presented online.

By involving the appearance of art workers, not only can it provide attractiveness in the event, but also provide opportunities for these art workers to work amid a pandemic.

"Currently, there are many webinars to address offline activities which currently cannot be done due to the COVID-19 pandemic," Wishnutama said, quoted from the official website of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.

"However, the challenge is how to package events that are still attractive and still be able to attract the interest of many people," continued Wishnutama.

One of the virtual music performances (Photo: kemenparekraf)

On the other hand, art workers must also be able to show their creativity in creating works by implementing good health protocols. So that they can still be productive and stay safe from COVID-19.

"In these webinar activities, I hope that the event organizers can also involve art workers so that the wheels of the economy in this sector can move gradually," concluded the former CEO of Net TV.

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