JAKARTA - The process of investigating the Tangerang Class I prison fire case continues, a number of witnesses are examined every day. However, the mastermind behind it has never been announced, even though the suspect candidate has already pocketed it.
In the last few days, witness examinations have been conducted in a marathon. Finally, 10 people were asked for their statements to reveal the mastermind behind the deadly fire.
The Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said that of the 10 witnesses, 2 of them were inmates. They have duties for electrical maintenance around fire points or block C2.
"There are two other inmates who receive electricity and also take the church. Usually they are prisoners who take care of electricity and church problems because there is a church near block C2," said Yusri, Thursday, September 16.
Then, the other four witnesses were inmates who were placed next to the fire location. They checked to find out what happened before the fire.
"They are in the block next to the fire. If the fire is in block C2, so they are in Block C1 and Block C3. There are four residents who have been assisted by us, who know and saw the fire," said Yusri.
In addition, investigators in an effort to uncover this case also examined two Tangerang Class I prison officers. They all continue to be dug up their statements to determine the suspect behind the deadly fire.
"There are two prison personnel that we BAP are examining again today," said Yusri.
With this series of examinations, 56 witnesses were examined during the investigation process. However, the suspect has never been announced.
Director of the General Criminal Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Tubagus Ade Hidayat, was reluctant to comment much when it was confirmed whether the statements from the witnesses had narrowed down to the suspect.
He said the investigation was still ongoing. Later, the results of the investigation will be presented.
"In time it will be announced," he said.
In fact, not long before, Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono, said that there was already a potential suspect in the case. However, the investigation is still ongoing.
"For Article 359 of the Criminal Code, there is a potential suspect," said Rusdi, Tuesday, September 14.
Investigators, said Rusdi, are still working and looking for supporting evidence to identify suspects. Later, when everything is complete, investigators will conduct a case to determine the suspect.
"Now investigators are still working to resolve this case," said Rusdi.
The Tangerang Class I prison caught fire on Wednesday, September 8, in the early hours of the morning. As a result, 44 inmates died due to the incident.
Dozens of prisoners were not able to save themselves. Because when the fire broke out, the prison cell was locked. While the officers did not have time to open the cells of the victims.
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