JAKARTA - Chief Expert of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Brian Sriphastuti admitted that the term "new normal" which is widely used in the COVID-19 pandemic cannot be understood well by the public.

The reason, said Brian, is the use of foreign language diction (English). The community considered the situation to be back to normal.

"Understanding using 'new normal', because there is an element of a foreign language, is not easy to understand and is translated as an adaptation of a new habit," said Brian in the MNC Trijaya discussion, Saturday, July 11.

Currently, the development of COVID-19 cases is increasing. However, after a period of large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) was relaxed and the term "new normal" emerged, accompanied by the reopening of various economic and social activities.

As a result, public awareness of COVID-19 transmission has decreased. Many people are no longer at home when doing activities. Restaurants to entertainment places have been visited by many.

The reason, says Brian, is the lack of understanding that there is a current period that is a period of precondition to a new normal.

This means that there are stages that must be prepared, starting from the opening of the public sector to the preparation of a COVID-19 prevention protocol.

"People don't see the word 'new', they say it goes to normal. In fact, before heading to new normal, there is a precondition period, there are stages that must be prepared," said Brian.

"It seems that this precondition was not carried out. Then people think it will be like when a pandemic has not occurred. In fact, the condition is not like that. We must accept the fact that this virus is still around us," he continued.

Besides, said Brian, in dealing with COVID-19, PSBB was still the main government policy intervention, with different restrictions in each region.

"This is accompanied by stages that must be carried out, starting from the precondition of new habits with massive socialization, involvement of community leaders, the right timing of when socio-economic activities are carried out, and consolidation related to the situation in each area," said Brian.

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