BANYUWANGI - Police said that the death of the man who was found drowned with iron weights on his feet, in Purworharjo, Banyuwangi, East Java, was not due to murder. It is suspected that the death of the victim named Purwanto (46) from Kediri was due to suicide.

Banyuwangi Police Chief AKBP Nasrun Pasaribu said forensic results did not find evidence of violence on the victim's body.

"Forensic results show that there is no violence or bruising on the victim's body. This means that there is no criminal act that leads to murder," said Nasrun Pasaribu, Thursday, September 16.

It is strongly suspected, said Nasrun, that the victim died from suicide. Based on the testimony of the victim's colleague, previously the victim was depressed and complained about the problems she was experiencing.

"Yes, depression is based on his friend's confession. He was depressed for some reason, so he committed suicide. The victim's family has also been contacted and the body will be picked up immediately," he concluded.

For information, on Tuesday, September 14, Banyuwangi residents were shocked by the discovery of a body at Dam 1 Kali Setail, Purworharjo, Banyuwangi. The body sank at a depth of 5 meters.

The victim is a worker from PT IBN Manufaktur Bandung. At that time, the victim was assigned to clean the iron in front of the local water company along with three colleagues.

The discovery of the body had previously raised public question marks because of something odd. Because the victim's right leg was tied to an iron block with a fairly strong rope.

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