JAKARTA – PDI-P politician Henry Yosodiningrat reported two YoTube accounts 'Mahakarya Cendana' and TikTok 'Jatim070881' to Polda Metro Jaya. The two accounts were reported for the crime of spreading false information regarding the death of Megawati Soekarnoputri and the profiteering of her name. The report was received by Polda Metro Jaya on Monday, September 13 with Number: LP/B/4518/IX/SPKT/Polda Metro Jaya.

“I got that YT (YouTube) post from a friend. After that, I saw a lot of WA groups. Then I got questions from Sabang to Merauke. They ask how did that happen? Until I feel the need for me to clarify." said Henry to VOI, Thursday 15 September.

Henry admitted that he was indifferent to getting many questions in the WhatsApp (WA) group which questioned the truth of the information. However, after seeing the contents of the video, Henry realized that he was being used as material to justify the news.

"There are two possibilities, first I was indifferent, just ignore it. Because I think that, it is impossible for people to believe, that I might not know the condition of Mega's mother. Then because I gave information like what was circulating on YT and TikTok, right? Therefore, I feel the need to clarify and at the same time demand that the perpetrators be carried out by law enforcement for what was done. Because I see there is an element of evil, evil intentions there." said Henry.

In the video, Henry said, there is evil intent. Henry's malicious intent is that the video goes through the editing process. So Henry considered the content as if he confirmed the information about the death of the Fifth President of the Republic of Indonesia, Megawati.

"Where is the evil intent? First, he edited in a deliberately correct way, my video recording when Mr. Nazarudin Kiemas died in 2019. Then I just called it the deceased, they still missed it. Because I called the deceased, not the deceased. And I have the YouTube videos of various parliaments which are now well preserved by them.” he explained.

Feeling something is wrong, Henry decides to file a police report because he feels he has been wronged by the incorrect content.

“On Sunday I called the Regional Police Chief. I said, I will send the video first, then I will report tomorrow. Monday I reported it and the police have coordinated. According to information that I know with the police, the place where that person is is definitely not in Jakarta. They (police) have pocketed the name of the account owner. That's more or less like that.” said Henry.

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