DENPASAR - The Bali Education, Youth and Sports Agency (Disdikpora) has allowed limited face-to-face learning (PTM). But there are strict conditions in its implementation.

The head of Bali's Disdikpora I Ketut Ngurah Boy Jayawibawa explained, for PTM it refers to the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs (Inmendagri) Number 42 of 2021 concerning PPKM Level 4, 3, 2 COVID-19 Java-Bali.

"In terms of PTM, we are actually ready with the issuance of Inmendagri 42. We can actually do face-to-face meetings," said Boy, when contacted on Wednesday, September 15.

For PPKM level 3, there are two options, namely limited face-to-face learning, which is 50 percent and distance/online learning.

"So parents, there are two options now and they are allowed. But the notion of being allowed does not mean that schools are free but must be vigilant," he added.

For schools that will conduct limited PTM, there are several criteria procedures that must be carried out. Namely, schools have health protocols, thermoguns, hand sanitizers, and hand washing facilities. Face-to-face learning is only given 1.5 hours.

"The canteen must be closed, the distance separation (between students) is 1.5 meters, and so on. And finally, there must be permission from the parents of students. online," he explained.

"Parents don't worry if they don't dare or let their children go. Because learning can be done online. We are aware of that, so we have two options ready," Boy continued.

Schools that will run limited PTM must coordinate with the local COVID-19 Task Force. Nila later found that the school was confirmed positive for COVID-19, so it must be temporarily closed.

"And finally, if it is found that there is a positive confirmation of COVID-19, schools must be temporarily closed," he said.

Boy said that there were already several schools in Bali that had done face-to-face learning, about 10 percent. However, it is limited to 50 percent or 18 students in one class.

"It's already there, but it just so happens that there are very few students. PTM is at least 50 percent. If 50 percent is a maximum of 18 (students). But there are some private schools where there are only 15 (students) of course they are below the 50 percent criteria ," he said.

If limited PTM is run, the Education Office will carry out strict supervision.

"We are monitoring, supervising and evaluating. If there is a positive confirmation of COVID-19, we will close or in the field it is not in line with our expectations, in groups we will give a warning to the principal," said Boy.

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