JAKARTA - Hasto Kristiyanto, Secretary General of the PDIP, said that Indonesia had been excited. Because someone blew a hoax, Megawati Soekarnoputri was sick. Worse yet, there is even an issue that the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia is in a critical condition and has even died.

One of these hoax news appeared through Instagram Reels about condolences on behalf of PMI DKI Jakarta. This made many parties immediately called Hasto, to confirm the truth of the news.

As if to dispel the hoaxes that emerged, Megawati also held an event with several PDIP cadres on Friday, September 10. The appearance of the biological mother of the chairman of the DPR RI, Puan Maharani, practically answered all the questions and concerns of PDIP cadres.

With her trademark smile, Megawati greeted the PDIP administrators who were present at the virtual meeting via Zoom. Hasto also confirmed that the daughter of the first President of the Republic of Indonesia, Soekarno, was in good health.

Check out Hasto and Megawati's full statement in this video!

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