JAKARTA - A video has circulated showing the process of evacuating the body of a woman who was on the roof of the All Season Hotel lobby, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta. Provisional estimates, the woman jumped from the 13th floor of the hotel.

In the video uploaded by the Instagram account @ journalis169, several policemen are seen on the roof of the hotel lobby. They tried to take down the body while looking for clues related to the case.

Kapolsek Tanah Abang AKBP M. Raden Jauhari said, based on witness testimony and the case where the incident occurred, this incident led to the alleged suicide.

"The person concerned jumped from the 13th floor. The suspicion was that he was jumping temporarily. It means suicide," Jauhari said, Wednesday, July 8.

In addition, from the results of temporary information, the identity of this woman was identified with the initials S, 32 years old, who was a hotel guest and had stayed there for a day.

Before being found dead, the woman was seen in a restaurant on the 13th floor of the hotel. However, it is not yet known the exact location of the woman in freefall.

"According to the statements of witnesses, he had eaten at the restaurant on the 13th floor, he jumped from the 13th floor," said Jauhari.

Action motive

So far investigators are still looking for evidence and information to find out the motive behind the alleged suicide. CCTV cameras and contacting the family are steps taken to find out.

"We are still investigating the motives and other information. Our team is still checking CCTV and has also tried to contact the victim's family," said Jauhari.

In fact, regarding the emergence of other suspicions or possibilities such as depression to the presence of other people during the last 24 hours, Jauhari was reluctant to comment much on this matter.

"It's still under our investigation. We are still investigating motives and others," he concluded

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