JAKARTA - Mama Noela, a neighbor of the suicide victim with the initials SS (29) confirmed that the victim had a hobby of making TikTok videos during her life at the Bidara Cina Flat (Rusun) in Jatinegara, on the 4th Floor, East Jakarta. Victims almost daily express themselves through the TikTok application.

"I like TikTok, the main thing is that he plays TikTok one day. He also comes home from work, his friends are the same," he told reporters, Friday, September 10.

Noela explained that SS friends often visited the victim's house on Saturdays and Sundays.

"If his friends come, well, there are various things. There are karaoke, playing TikTok, chatting, eating, joking, until the evening there are those who giggle," he said.

Wakatim 1 Rajawali of the East Jakarta Metro Police, Brigadier Markon Samuel explained that before ending his life, SS had recorded the moments of his death via the TikTok application.

"This hanging was first discovered by a friend of the victim who watched the victim's TikTok live. We immediately went to the scene," he said, Friday, September 10.

Based on the results of the interim examination, the police did not find any of the victim's belongings which led to the cause of SS's desperate attempt to end his life.

"The motive is unknown, no will was found at the crime scene. Only bed linen and chairs were used as tools to end his life," he said.

Markon continued, in order to reveal the SS' motive for committing suicide, his party is still conducting an investigation by examining witnesses. The case is handled by the Jatinegara Police.

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