JAKARTA - Clashes between security forces and Palestinian protesters again broke out Thursday night in the West Bank, Bethlehem, Jenin, Hebron, Kalkilya, Etzion and Nablus, following events on Wednesday night, related to six prisoners who escaped from Gilboa Prison.

The Israeli police also announced a level 2 alert status or one level below the highest alert level, preparing to secure the situation this Friday, citing The Jerusalem Post September 10 from N12.

Palestinians who 'welcome' Gilboa's escape, are said to be holding an action after Friday prayers local time, after the clashes that occurred in recent days. If needed, the Israeli police will reimpose a state of emergency.

Earlier, clashes erupted between Palestinians and Israeli soldiers (IDF) near the Eliyahu crossing in Kalkilya, Palestinian media reported. The rioting at the Jalama checkpoint, which is located between Gyunung Gilboa and Jenin, injured a young man, according to Palestinian media. During the clashes, IDF soldiers arrested a Palestinian youth who was caught pelting stones, according to a report by N12.

As previously reported, six Palestinian prisoners escaped from a high-security Israeli prison on September 6, identifying them as members of a militant group.

It said five of the detainees were members of the Islamic Jihad movement and one was a former commander of a militant group affiliated with the mainstream Fatah party.

According to the report, the six were cellmates and were released from Gilboa prison in northern Israel, where security forces launched a search. There was no immediate comment from prison authorities or the police.

While launching the Times of Israel, a massive search was carried out by deploying police, assisted by drones and helicopters in the area around the prison.

The six Palestinian prisoners are believed to have dug the tunnel they used to escape from Gilboa Prison, which is located northwest of Beit She'an, near the Sea of Galilee. They were reported missing around 4am, although it was possible to have escaped hours earlier.

One of the escaped prisoners is believed to be Zakaria Zubeidi, the former commander of Fatah's Jenin military wing, Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, who was convicted in several of the deadly attacks.

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