JAKARTA - 25 years ago, Japan was shocked by the death of a student at Sophia University. Junko Kobayashi was tied up, stabbed to death and then burned in his house. Until now the case is still a mystery.

This heartbreaking incident occurred on September 9, 1996. It has been more than two decades since this case had been going on, but the Japanese police still found a thick fog.

Even though the police have examined more than 75,000 people, as reported by Japan Today, Thursday 9 September. And more than 1,000 clues have been researched, but the police are still unable to pinpoint a suspect in the murder.

The National Police Agency has had to extend the reward period for another year for information that will help solve Kobayashi's murder. The police have prepared a 3 million yen reward for anyone with information leading to an arrest. The victim's family also offered another 5 million yen.

Kobayashi's death is believed to have occurred around 3:55 p.m. Japanese time. Just then, a man in a raincoat was seen standing outside Kobayashi's house. He stood without an umbrella. But his eyes stared intently at the second floor.

Police found type A blood at the scene of the murder. The blood is believed to have come from the hands of the killer who had been injured.

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