BANDUNG - Bandung Mayor Oded M Danial announced that his area has now entered the yellow zone status or zone with a low risk of spreading COVID-19.

According to Oded, COVID-19 cases in the city of Bandung are gradually decreasing, unlike two months ago. Even though it is in the yellow zone, the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) is still in effect in the city of Bandung.

"Alhamdulillah, in the city of Bandung this is quite encouraging, until today it turns out that we have shifted to the yellow zone, yes, the risk is low," said Oded at Bandung City Hall, West Java, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, September 8.

Oded explained that the average addition of cases increased during PPKM Level 4 was 118.86 cases per day (17-23 August 2021), but gradually decreased to 69.71 cases per day at PPKM Level 3, and in the 3rd week. reached 50.75 cases per day.

Then the occupancy rate of the isolation room or Bed Occupancy Rate (BOR) for the City of Bandung continues to decline until it is now at 19.16 percent. Of the 1,291 available beds, now only 306 are occupied.

"Now the city of Bandung is at a score of 2.54 in general, active cases are decreasing and healing is increasing in the city of Bandung," he said.

In addition to declining cases, Oded also said that the vaccination rate has now reached 69 percent. Of the total target of 1,952,358 people for vaccination in Bandung City, 1,346,439 people have received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

"Today it has reached 69 percent, meaning that the 70 percent target for September is optimistic, God willing, it will be exceeded," he said.

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