JAKARTA - TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto reminded all components of the nation not to be careless about the decline in COVID-19 cases in Indonesia. meeting with the West Kalimantan Forkopimda regarding the handling of COVID-19 and vaccination in West Kalimantan, taking place at the Makodam XII/Tanjungpura Hall, reported by Antara, Wednesday, September 8. This case can occur because all elements can control the COVID-19 pandemic, including the implementation of health protocol discipline and vaccination attacks.

He emphasized that the implementation of "tracing" close contacts in West Kalimantan needs to be strengthened, strengthen efforts to handle synergies, and be serious according to the conditions of their respective regions. the press release.

The former Air Force Chief of Staff (Kasau) reminded Pangdam XII/Tanjungpura and Kapolda Kalbar to continue to assist local governments in overcoming the endemic COVID-19 pandemic. right," said the TNI Commander. The TNI Commander said that the local government together with relevant agencies, the TNI-Polri, BNPB, and the Ministry of Health must improve communication, coordination, and collaboration in vaccination management, including strengthening health workers for vaccination. Meanwhile, the Governor of West Kalimantan Sutarmidji explained about the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in this province. He said that based on data from the Ministry of Health on Tuesday, September 7, West Kalimantan currently has 629 active cases. In detail, 37,493 confirmed cases, 35,878 recovered cases, and 986 deaths. The handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in the West Kalimantan region cannot be separated from the synergy between the TNI-Polri, regional governments, the Health Service, and the community, he said.

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