JAKARTA – COVID-19 causes a lot of disturbance. Not only on the economy and health, social impacts are also experienced by almost all levels of society. Not a few women have become widows because their husbands left them because they were infected with COVID-19. There is even an increase in the number of orphans, orphans, and even orphans due to the loss of their parents.

The COVID-19 Task Force noted that 11,045 children were orphaned, orphaned, or orphaned as of July 20, 2021. On the other hand, the number of children exposed to COVID-19 reached 350 thousand children and 777 of them died.

Targeting the Johar Baru area, Central Jakarta, a number of elementary school (SD) children in the area were unable to attend face-to-face learning (PTM) because they did not have school uniforms. The students who are constrained by school uniforms are mostly orphans whose fathers left because they were exposed to COVID-19.

Like Salbia, a widow with two children whose husband recently died of COVID-19. Salbia admits that living below the poverty line is increasingly felt after her husband, who is the backbone of the family's economy, has passed away. Even Salbia, who lives in a small rented house, admits that she cannot afford school uniforms for her two children.

He was sad because his son could not attend the PTM because the school uniform was not proper. Knowing this, the Head of the Johar Baru Police, Kompol Edison, was devastated, especially since Salbia was in the jurisdiction of the Johar Baru Police.

Johar Baru police chief Kompol Edison at the market buys uniforms for Salbila's children/ Photo: IST

Because he couldn't bear it, Kompol Edi took Salbia's children to the market to buy school uniforms along with other orphans in the Johar Baru area. Edi bought school uniforms so Salbia's children could go back to school.

Salbia explained that her income as a washer does not meet her daily needs. Salbia works as a clothes washer, the wages she gets are far from expectations. Can only eat sparingly. Meanwhile, for the purposes of buying uniforms and paying rent, it is difficult.

At the beginning of the PTM, Salbia's child, who was in grade I of junior high school and grade 5 of elementary school, had to wear free clothes because his uniform no longer fit his body.

Salbia with her child, in a tenement house in Johar Baru, Central Jakarta/ IST

"Since his father wasn't around (died of COVID-19) his clothes were small. Have no shoes. My husband died two months ago. The KJP money is used to buy children's study quotas." said Salbia, in Johar Baru, Central Jakarta.

Commissioner Edison explained, when there was an activity to distribute social assistance, he saw that one of the residents, a woman, was experiencing economic difficulties.

“There was one mother who had a child, her husband died. He hasn't bought clothes for his son yet. Rent has not been paid. So I took the initiative to give school clothes for the child. I took him to the market, look for the right one." said Commissioner Edison.

Edison said that he will coordinate with the local sub-district so that orphans, orphans and orphans get more attention in the form of KJP and KIP assistance, so that no more orphans have difficulty in learning.

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