TANGERANG – The Tangerang Metro Police Intelligence and Security Unit gave information via WhatsApp (WA) messages regarding the fire at the Class I Tangerang Prison, Jalan Veteran, Sukasari, Tangerang City, Wednesday, September 8, early in the morning.

In the statement, a prison officer named Sofwan said that the fire was first seen from the Block C cell room at around 02.30 WIB. At that time the witness heard screams from Block C.

Together with the members, the witness checked into the Block C detention room, and tried to evacuate. However, because the fire was getting bigger, the duty officers only managed to evacuate approximately 20 prisoners.

Still in the statement, 100 prisoners in Block C were not successfully evacuated, because the fire was getting bigger.

The atmosphere of the Tangerang Class I prison after the fire was extinguished/ Photo: @yasonna.laoly

The following are the names of eight victims who suffered serious burns in Block C:

The identity of the victim who died temporarily: Diyan Adi Priyana Bin Kholil, September 25, 1977, Islam, address . Jalan Cermai I No. 15 RT 03/04, Suradita Village, Cisauk District, South Tangerang City, the status of terrorist prisoners (convicts) Eight inmates were burned:

1. Nasrudin Abdullah BIN Abdulla, December 16, 1986, Islam, address Kampung Barat Village alley Lorong Dusun Kumbang Kab. North Aceh (Drug Convict)

2. Timothy Jaya Bin Siswanto, 17 November 1975, Islam, address Lippo Karawaci Jl. Sabang No. 39 Imam Bonjol Park Tangerang (Drug Convict)

3. Adam Maulana BIN YUSUF HENDRA PURNAMA, 01 December 1991, Islam, address Cipesing village RT 03/05 Kel. Cimerang district. Purbaya Kab. Sukabumi, West Java (Drug Convict)

4. Iwan Setiawan alias Wanted Bin Wagiyo, 07 March 1994, Islam, address Jalan Tanjung Lengkong RT 14/07 Kel. Bidara Cina Kec. Jatinegara East Jakarta (Drug Convict)

5. Mardani alias Dani Bin M. Nur, December 4, 1976, Islam, address Jalan Nanas I Gang Flamboyan RT 03/03 No. 13 Ex. Utan Kayu Selatan Kec. East Jakarta Matraman. (Drug Convict)

6. Hariyanto alias Bule Bin Ramli, 16 May 1979, Islam, address Jalan Budi Swadaya Group I RT 002/006 Kel. Duri Kepa District. West Jakarta Kebon Jeruk (Drug Convict)

7. Tino Yuliarto Bin Suharto, 20 May 1980, Islam, address Pamulang Permai II Blok E 63 RT 001/012 Kel. New Objects District. Pamulang, South Tangerang City (Drug Prisoners).

8. Hadiyanto Bin Ramli, December 28, 1969, Islam, address Jalan Lontar IV No. 44 RT 13/04 Ex. North Tugu District. North Jakarta Koja (Drug Convict).

Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations and Protocol of the Directorate General of Corrections at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Rika Aprianti, said that Block C was specifically for drug prisoners.

“Block C is inhabited by drug convicts. There are about 112 people there," said Rika when confirmed, Wednesday, August 8.

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