JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) investigated 10 former members of the Jambi Provincial DPRD and former Acting Head of the Jambi Province Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Arfan.

This examination relates to the provision of bribes to ratify the Jambi Province RAPBD for the 2017-2018 Fiscal Year.

These ten people were examined as witnesses for Fahrurrozi who is a former member of the Jambi DPRD. This activity was held today, Wednesday, September 8th.

"Located in Jambi's Class II A prison, the investigation team has scheduled the summoning of witnesses for the suspect FR (Fahrurozzi) et al," Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement Ali Fikri told reporters, Wednesday, September 8.

The 10 former members of the Jambi Provincial DPRD who will be questioned are Effendi Hatta, Gusrizal, Cornelis Buston, Supriyono, Sufardi Nurzain, Parlagutan Nasution, Muhamdiyah, Chumaidi Zaidi, Zainal Abidin and Abdulrahman Ismail Syahbandar.

In this case, the anti-corruption commission has named 18 suspects. They include the 2016-2021 Governor of Jambi Zumi Zola, Acting Regional Secretary of Jambi Province Erwan Malik, Acting Head of the PUPR Office of Jambi Province Arfan, and Regional Assistant 3 of Jambi Province Saifudin.

Furthermore, the KPK again named four suspects from elements of the Jambi DPRD members. They are Fahrurrozi (FR), Arrakhmat Eka Putra (AEP), Wiwid Iswhara (WI), and Zainul Arfan (ZA).

Recently, the KPK has also named a private businessman named Paut Syakarin as a suspect.

He is suspected of being one of the private parties that acts as a supporter of funds and providing additional knock-on money for members of Commission III of the Jambi DPRD with an amount of Rp. 150 million each related to the 2017 Jambi Provincial RAPBD.

The amount of funds that Paut has prepared is Rp23 billion. The details, amounting to IDR 325 million in November 2016 for 13 members of Commission III, each of whom received IDR 25 million. Then, money amounting to Rp. 1.950 billion around the end of January 2017 to 13 other members of Commission III.

KPK Director of Investigation Setyo Budiyanto explained that Paut was named a suspect for bribing DPRD members with the aim of getting a project at the Jambi Provincial Public Works Office in 2017.

"The money given by the suspect PS was allegedly so that his company could obtain several projects at the Jambi Provincial Public Works Department in 2017," said Setyo Budiyanto in a virtual press conference, Sunday, August 8.

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