JAKARTA - Politician Abraham Lunggana alias Haji Lulung answered speculation that he would return to the DKI Jakarta United Development Party (PPP) DPW because he was preparing to run for the 2024 DKI Pilkada.

It is known, before becoming a member of the DPR in the 2019 Pileg through the National Mandate Party (PAN), Lulung was a member of the DKI DPRD with the PPP flag.

"What about the 2024 elections, what about the people," said Lulung in Jakarta, Wednesday, September 8.

Lulung said he was ready if asked to run in the upcoming DKI Regional Head Election. "Yes (ready, ed) if there is public trust," he said.

Lulung said that at this time the most important thing was to consolidate and restore public confidence in PPP. Because, for almost five years, the Kaaba Party was hit by an internal conflict.

"So about the election later, talk about it later. Now our focus is on winning back the hearts of the people," said Lulung.

Nevertheless, Lulung is grateful if someone says he is suitable to run for the DKI Regional Head Election. He also asked for prayer.

"Thankfully, I just ask for prayers that what I lead goes well," he concluded. Previously, Lulung claimed the main reason for returning to PPP was solely because of pressure from the ulama. The ulema, he said, asked him to revive PPP. "The ulema may evaluate that during my leadership PPP there were still 10 seats from 2014 to 2019, the 2019 Legislative Election from 10 to 1 seat. I was called by the ulema to re-administer PPP," he said. Lulung said that he had no problems with the top ranks of PAN so far. He said Zulhas had allowed himself to return to PPP.

"I'm sorry to Pak Zul, I returned to PAN. Because of the urging of the ulama. I was given a thumbs up by Pak Zulhas," he said.

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