JAKARTA - The police say that a group of fraudsters who use Baim Wong's name can make tens of millions of profits per day. The smallest profit is in the hundreds of thousands of rupiah.

"It's been a long time since I've been able to earn IDR 400 thousand a day at least up to IDR 10 million per day," said the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Tuesday, September 7.

With that nominal, these perpetrators are estimated to have succeeded in deceiving many people and pocketing profits of hundreds of millions.

The suspects did not receive a good education. Because, their background only graduated from elementary school.

"They are self-taught and graduated from elementary school and junior high school," said Yusri.

Therefore, Yusri also appealed to the public not to believe easily. All short messages containing the notification of winning the quiz are just a fraud mode.

"Please, people don't want to believe if you receive an SMS when you win a prize, whether it's an individual, an agency, or a corporation, that's not true," said Yusri.

Previously, the police arrested two gangs of fraudsters from South Sulawesi. In their action, the two gangs used quiz mode using the name of artist Baim Wong. In the first group, there were two suspects. They have the initials BHU alias H and H alias W.

Meanwhile, the second group consisted of eight suspects with the initials J, DA, E, AAR, MR, A, RT, and T. Both groups came from South Sulawesi.

Currently, the perpetrators are already behind bars. They are suspected of under Article 378 of the Criminal Code and are threatened with 4 years in prison.

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