SURABAYA – M Zaini's fate seems unlucky. The 50-year-old man found two problems in one place. Zaini was raided in a boarding house in Gang Sidotopo Sekolahan, Semampir District, Surabaya, East Java for possessing crystal methamphetamine.

The raid carried out by officers from the Karang Pilang Sector Police, turned out to reveal another fact, namely when they were raided in the room, the man was with AW, another ideal woman. It is known, M Zaini already has children and a wife.

Zaini was raided because it was proven that he bought 1.4 grams of crystal methamphetamine for Rp. 350 thousand and 1.2 grams of methamphetamine for Rp. 600 thousand from Heri.

Public Prosecutor (JPU) Dariwis said the methamphetamine was stored in the suspect's boarding room. Then the two of them were raided by two police officers from the Karang Pilang Police.

"From the search results, it was found 1.56 grams of methamphetamine and its packaging under the cupboard," said witness Wahyi Dedi Irawan, the police officer who arrested the defendant, citing Radar Surabaya, Monday, September 7.

Not only using, the defendant was also asked to sell the methamphetamine.

"The testimony of the witness is true," said Zaini.

Zaini is still undergoing the trial process in the future.

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